•Jeffery Miller teaches pastel and
watercolor classes at Hobby Lobby. Call for times West Columbia, 926.1545
or Columbia, 787.2509.
Parker Offers classes in colored pencil techniques, 238.3714 or g1retchen@gmail.com
for dates and times.
•Acrylic classes by Faye Todd at Lexington Leisure Center, email paintingsmylove@yahoo.com for more information.
•Oil painting classes by Dale Mastro & Faye Todd at Mastro’s Studio in Gaston call 936.0871 or email magicray55@juno.com for more information.
•Acrylic classes by Faye Todd at Lexington Leisure Center, email paintingsmylove@yahoo.com for more information.
•Oil painting classes by Dale Mastro & Faye Todd at Mastro’s Studio in Gaston call 936.0871 or email magicray55@juno.com for more information.
•Donna Rozier,
of Corley mill art group, hosts oil painting classes, 356.2986 or donna@rozier.org
for more information.