Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Getting organized...

Visual Artists-
Here are some handy dandy reminders and tips that will help you prepare for spring, summer & fall arts seasons.

Winter is the best time to get organized. Gather you work and take inventory. Separate works into series. Update older pieces. Once you feel ready, apply for juried shows, exhibits, festivals etc.

Create an online calendar or announce each new date of exhibition. Remember to list where & when your art is located.
Make announcements on social networks, websites

Make or update tags, business cards, artist statement, and certificates of authenticity. Print all out on card stock.
 Create a square, PayPal or some other card reader account.


Create a supply box or bag to pack the essentials needed. Make sure to hangers, hooks or S hooks, wires, heavy duty stapler
Scissors, tape, pens, ID badge, clips, business card holders, handy-wipes, battery operated lights, flash-light.


Take your supply box to all installations. Preparation eliminates stress, is professional and feels wonderful.
Happy creating to you all.

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